Thursday, September 9, 2010

The good and the bad

I (Kristen Baumgarten) am running out of invitations to my private blog, and so I am going to try harder to update on this blog so that people know what is going on with Josh. To be honest, there really wasn't a lot going on until last Tuesday, (August 31).
Josh had a meeting to go to and was up early getting ready for it. He stepped out of the bathroom and hit the floor. He was having a seizure. There was a lot of craziness, but eventually he was taken to the ER by ambulance.
The next day we saw the nurse practitioner for Neuro-Oncology and practically had to INSIST on an MRI. Neither one of us are complacent about the situation to go a long with the suggestion to wait it out. They found that there has been tumor progression (the bad news), and possibly some cell death (the maybe good news). They decided they needed a little more time to determine what exactly was going on, and we will go back for another MRI later this month.
Please don't think that because I say this over and over that it loses it's sincerity. We HONESTLY and TRULY appreciate what everyone has done for us. We have come to draw on the strength from the prayers in our behalf on a daily basis. We still pray for blessings to be poured out upon those who have reached out their arms to support and lift us up. We recognize that those are the arms that the Lord uses to answer prayers. Those are the arms he sends as proxy to his own. Thank you.

1 comment:

Meagan Phillips said...

So, I know you don't know me but I saw your blog on a friends facebook page and it had a posting saying anything we could do to help. I hope this isn't too forward and I don't know how you feel about natural healing remedies, I haven't always been a fan of them myself, but I read a book recently that I feel impressed to tell you about..."Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About". I was recently diagnosed with fybromyalgia and prescription drugs were not an option(for fear that insurance would drop me)so I started looking into natural remedies. The guy seems a little fanatical about somethings but he talks about cures for cancer in there. I know we are on the Lord's timeline but it might be worth a read.