Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Perforated Septum

Something new to add to my list of things that make cancer dumb (aside from the obvious):

A perforated septum. What's that? Well if you stick your finger in your nose... haha... you are doing it now, aren't you? You can feel a membrane that separates your nostrils, right?

That is your septum.

Josh no longer has one. It's just a gaping hole. He told me there was a hole. I didn't believe him. I got out the flashlight and looked in his nose. Sure enough. Big hole. Nothing separating his nostrils. Holy crap! I had to google, of course and found out that it is called a perforated septum and that it is rare but can be caused by trauma (like his surgery), cancer (which he has), or Avastin (the drug he may or may not be getting as part of a glioblastoma study).


The upside? He says he can breathe better. Ha!

The ironic thing? I had a dream probably a week ago that he had a hole in his nose.


Mike, Sha, Kenna, Kate, & Garrett said...

crazy! Can it cause any other problems?

Jessica said...

That makes me woozy! Bless your sweet hearts and holy noses!